Route 66 Walkers arrive in Kansas – National Walking Month

A white dog with black patches on a path next to a river, being taken on a walk

Last week the team walked 365 miles which saw us virtually arrive in Kansas, our next stop along Route 66 in the US. The team picked Route 66 as a challenge during May, which is National Walking Month. Walking is good for our minds, our bodies and our neighbourhoods and has been a lifeline for many during the past year, helping us stay active and connected. Not only are the team burning calories but being active and getting out into nature helps improve our mental health.

I have been aiming to walk 50 miles a week, an hour and a half before and after work, and I have been mixing up the route I take. This week I decided to follow the river, which I’m told has water voles living along it’s banks, unfortunately I haven’t seen any but I did see a heron casually going about its business and I did have tense moment when two Canadian Geese blocked my path.

Next week the team will be heading for Oklahoma, which experiences the most tornadoes of any US state, has the largest population of Native Americans of any state and both the parking meter and electric guitar were invented here.

Walking is an easy and free activity that we can all enjoy, it can help you to manage cravings if you stop smoking. Whatever reason you have for wanting to move more; losing weight, managing cravings , find out how we can help.

A family of four; 2 adults and 2 children enjoying a day out doors
Absolutely fabulous, brilliant delivery of all information interesting and enlightening. I have learnt so much about myself, my eating habits have completely changed. I feel better, I am able to walk for enjoyment and lifestyle. My skin is brighter and i don't feel sluggish anymore.
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