Improved support to help Warwickshire’s smokers

Smokers in Warwickshire who are looking to quit have access to an improved stop smoking support offer with the introduction of the new Government ‘Swap to Stop’ programme.

Swap to Stop offers smokers over the age of 18 access to support to quit with the help of vape ‘quit kits’ and access to 12 weeks of behavioural support and stop smoking treatments.

Tobacco found in cigarettes is the single greatest entirely preventable cause of ill health, disability and death in this country. Vapes are substantially less harmful than smoking because they do not contain tobacco, and evidence shows they can be an effective tool in supporting smoking cessation. Vaping is already estimated to contribute to an extra 50,000 to 70,000 smoking quits per year in England.

While vaping is an effective stop smoking tool for smokers over the age of 18, it is not risk free and the long-term health impacts of vaping are still unknown, so vapes are not available to people under the age of 18 and should not be used by people who have never smoked. If you don’t smoke, don’t vape.

Councillor Margaret Bell, portfolio holder for Adult Social Care, said: “We want to support people to help them quit smoking. We know that smoking is addictive, and quitting requires support, this is why there is a range of support and services available through Quit 4 Good – so we can help people in a way that suits them.

“Being able to include the option of the vaping kits is a great addition to the stop smoking support, offering vapes as a stop smoking tool to current adult smokers is vital to reducing smoking rates in Warwickshire.”

Warwickshire’s Quit 4 Good programme, provided by Everyone Health, offers smokers aged 12 and over free stop smoking support for 12 weeks. This includes behavioural support, access to the Smoke Free app and nicotine replacement therapy which now includes the new Government funded Swap to Stop vaping quit kits (vaping quit kits only available for those aged 18 and over).

Service Manager for Fitter Futures Warwickshire, Afi Whelan, added: “Quitting smoking is one of the single most important things we can do. I’m delighted to welcome the addition of vaping quit kits to our Stop Smoking service, supporting many people to go smokefree for good in 2024.” For more information, visit, text QUIT to 60777 or call 0333 005 0092.

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