Woman and a child engaging in a hug and smiling

The Health benefits of laughter: World Laughter Day – 2nd May 2021

Do you snigger, snort, titter, or guffaw? There really isn’t a better feeling than laughing. Sometimes it’s completely involuntary and weirdly contagious, when one person starts laughing it slowly moves around a group, with all eventually joining in, even if they don’t know why they are laughing. Sunday 2nd May marks World Laughter Day, and

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cupped hands holding a water sphere, handing it over to a another pair of cupped hands

World Earth Day

Earth Day 2021 Millions of people around the globe will be marking Earth Day on 22nd April, started in the US in 1970, the day aims to remind people of the need to take action to address climate change and environmental destruction. Unfortunately global figures show that CO emission levels are back to what they

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a doctor and patient engaging in a conversation
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