Everyone Health, providers of Fitter Futures Awarded Highest Accolade for Support of Armed Forces Covenant

Everyone Health, a national commissioned provider of health and lifestyle services across the UK, has achieved the Gold Award in the 2023 Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) for its commitment to supporting the Armed Forces community. This prestigious accolade recognises Everyone Health’s commitment to being an Armed Forces friendly organisation through its recruitment

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Cut the costs of Alcohol

Alcohol has many costs, both financially and personally. One of the more obvious costs of alcohol is to our health and the damage it can cause to our bodies. Alcohol can have a detrimental effect on many parts of our bodies, from our brain, to our hearts and even to the cells within our bodies,

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Love your Lungs Week

Love your lungs week is celebrated from the 21st to the 27th June and is used to raise awareness about the health of our lungs and what can be done to keep them as healthy as possible and avoid damaging them. One of the ways in which you can show you lungs some love is

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a doctor and patient engaging in a conversation
Absolutely fabulous, brilliant delivery of all information interesting and enlightening. I have learnt so much about myself, my eating habits have completely changed. I feel better, I am able to walk for enjoyment and lifestyle. My skin is brighter and i don't feel sluggish anymore.
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